Thursday, 22 December 2016

 in charts and diagrams

"Social sciences in charts and diagrams" (Общественные науки в графических таблицах) - graphical charts and diagrams of the society's structures to help learners of history, sociology, ethnography, politology, law and other social sciences, compiled in an accessible for any inquisitive mind visual form.

Social sciences


"Russian rulers" (Российские правители) - compiled in 2014 and then revised in 2022 a brief but scrupulous excursus to the Russian history from 862 to 2022 with a complete list of the rulers of Russia (knyazes or knyaginyas, tsars or tsarinas, emperors or empresses, regents, heads of government and the ruling party, presidents, etc.), their biographical data and dates of reign, deeds and the results of the rule.

Russian rulers

of Childhood and Youth

"Memoirs of Childhood and Youth" (Воспоминания детства и юности) - a short essay and a kind of prequel to the "Travel Notes". Memories which determined fate of the explorer.

Memoirs of Childhood and Youth

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

From private experience of travelling abroad

"Travel Notes. From private experience of travelling abroad" (Путевые заметки. Из личного опыта путешествия за границей) - combined adventure stories written in Russian and published in 2014 as a consequence of not only my enthusiasm for travelling, but also for the literary creativity, computer graphics, high-quality panoramic wild-scale photographing, depicting the full diversity of our planet, and first of all of Europe, in its geographical and historical aspect.

Travel Notes
book version is restricted for download by the author